"Small" floor spells out "big" market

2020-07-10 15:52:14 浙江奕科新材料股份有限公司 Viewd 908

In the September opening season, a number of "high-profile" schools have been put into use one after another. In the fashionable town of Puyuan, Tongxiang Puxin School also unveiled its mystery. The classroom is covered with environmentally friendly and non-slip plastic flooring, and the cloth-patterned tiles on the surrounding walls add a touch of warmth. The simple and atmospheric campus environment has attracted the admiration of teachers and students.

The floors and tiles used in the school originated from a local company in Puyuan, Zhejiang ECO New Material Co., Ltd.

As an enterprise specializing in the production and sales of pvc and wpc plastic flooring, although it has only been established for more than two years, the development momentum of ECO New Material cannot be underestimated. Last year, the company's annual output value reached 130 million yuan, and its products are exported to more than 20 countries including Europe and the United States. At the Tongxiang Construction Innovative County (City) and Technological Talent Conference held not long ago, the company also won the honor of "Tongxiang City's First Batch of Innovative Pioneer Enterprises".

This year, in the face of severe challenges, this innovative pioneering company has exploded with full vitality. Sales of new products have increased by 80% year-on-year, and exports have increased by more than 50% year-on-year... An enviable upward curve has been drawn.

Almost "paranoid" towards R&D

"Look, the office is covered with our products. Does it look similar to the real floor?" The "post-90s" in front of him is the company's general manager Liu Xiaorong.

"Compared with ordinary flooring, plastic flooring is waterproof, flame-retardant, and environmentally friendly..." When talking about his own products, Liu Xiaorong obviously couldn't stop. "The key is that the installation is very convenient. There are slots on each floor, like Just put the jigsaw together."

Although he was born halfway, ECO New Material is undoubtedly a dark horse in the vinyl flooring industry. It is said that good products are the foundation for the company's sustainable development. For Eike New Materials, the vast market is made up of hundreds or even thousands of products.

"This is a floor made of MGO material. It has better dimensional stability and is 100% biodegradable." Liu Xiaorong holds in his hand, a new product just launched by the company, which has received a lot of praise from the market. The reporter found that although it is a plastic floor, its design is very realistic and unique. "Over the years, we have been maintaining cooperation with foreign design companies to develop and design a series of exclusive designs that are not available in other counterparts!" Liu Xiaorong explained.

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, customers pay more attention to functionality and environmental protection in the choice of plastic flooring, which also makes ECO New Material put a lot of energy on product innovation and research and development. In Liu Xiaorong's words, if you don't develop your own "secret weapon", you will definitely lose your competitiveness in the long run.

Can the floor reach food grade? Things that seem impossible are possible here. The latest PP board sample on the table is the result of the latest research and development of ECO New Material. "If Shijing flooring is an entry-level product for plastic flooring, then the new PP material is a mid-to-high-end product. Zero formaldehyde, degradable, waterproof and antibacterial, these are its advantages." Liu Xiaorong introduced. From samples sent by foreign customers to samples released, the R&D team has spent nearly half a year tackling key problems. “In the later stage, we will also work hard to control costs. If the launch is successful, the company’s product structure will be effectively optimized and market share will be further expanded.” Liu Xiaorong Say.

With an annual expenditure of more than 3 million yuan, it can be said that ECO New Material's research and development of plastic flooring is almost "paranoid". "This year the company expects that R&D investment will reach 4 million yuan, and we hope to take the initiative in our own hands." Liu Xiaorong said. And this has also become a "killer feature" for Yike New Materials to seize the market.

"Machine substitution" releases new capacity

In people's traditional concept, plastics can easily expand and contract with heat. Therefore, stability has become a major indicator of plastic flooring products. The ECO New Material floor is placed in an oven at 80°C for 6 hours, and the deformation rate will not exceed two thousandths. Obviously, for the hard indicators of this industry, Eike New Materials' self-requirements are more "strict".

Behind the full confidence comes from the continuous improvement of enterprise production efficiency through "machine substitution". "Now all the production lines in the first phase have been fully produced, and orders are still flying in continuously." Liu Xiaorong introduced, while leading the reporter to the production workshop.

In the extrusion workshop, along with the sound of equipment running, the robotic arm "raises its hands" from time to time to transfer the floors to the next process. On the side, workers checking the operation of machinery and equipment appear to be "free" a lot.

"Last year we invested more than 3 million yuan in'machine substitution'. This year we updated a batch of automation equipment to replace manual repetitive labor." Liu Xiaorong said that after the equipment was put into operation, the workshop labor was reduced by 30% and the production capacity was increased. Nearly 50%.

"This process is UV tempering. By applying a layer of paint on the surface of the floor, it can enhance the surface resistance to stains and scratches." "This is an automatic slitting slot connection, which can process large sheets of semi-finished products into a finished floor that can be directly paved. "... Stringent quality standards have allowed companies to increase their orders during the epidemic.

Today, the second phase of the project with an investment of more than 150 million yuan has officially started. "After the second phase of the project is completed, our production capacity will be further expanded to achieve the effect of '1+1>2'." Liu Xiaorong looked forward to.